*Information as of November 2023.
The details are summarized on the following page.
“How to get from Ishigaki Airport to Ishigaki Port“
We have summarized information about taxi on Ishigaki Island on the following page. We recommend making reservations through the app.
“Ishigaki Island Taxi Information“
We have summarized information about taxi on Ishigaki Island on the following page.
“Ishigaki Island Taxi Information“
The details are summarized on the following page.
“How to get to Kabira Bay Ishigaki Japan by bus“
We have summarized information about bus on Ishigaki Island on the following page.
“Ishigaki bus route, schedule, and bus pass information“
Many tourists visit Ishigaki Island throughout the year. Therefore, you may not be able to rent it.
We recommend the cute electric scooter “GO SHARE“. You can rent it at Ishigaki Port Ferry Terminal.
There are no such shops around the airport.
The details are summarized on the following page.
“Welcome to Ishigaki Island Japan“
There are hotels that rent it, so you should check with the hotel.
“The best restaurant (Ishigaki Beef, seafood) on Ishigaki Island Japan“
“The best restaurant (Ishigaki Beef, seafood) on Ishigaki Island Japan“
“A popular superb view cafe on Ishigaki Island Japan“
The details are summarized on the following page.
The details are summarized on the following page.
“ATM information“
Remote Islands
The details are summarized on the following page.
“Category : Other Islands“
There are no tour companies at the airport.
In addition to these, you can also enjoy indoor experience events and marine activities.
The details are summarized on the following page.
“Emergency medical care“
When a typhoon approaches, flights and ferries will be canceled and you will not be able to return from Ishigaki Island. You should change your schedule before the typhoon approaches.
Japan Meteorological Agency