
How to get on a route bus on Taketomi Island

*This article confirmed the information in June 2023.

Transportation on Taketomi Island
・Rental bicycle
・Route bus
・On foot

Taketomi Island is a small island with a circumference of about 9km, but there are route buses running there. Many visitors to the island use rental bicycles, but if you go to major tourist attractions, you can also take a route bus. However, you need to make a reservation to get on the bus. We will show you how to use it, bus schedules, and bus stop locations.

This article is created based on the information on the website of “Taketomijima Kotsu“, which operates route buses on Taketomi Island, and the timetable that we checked when we actually went there.

Route bus requires reservation
Taketomi Island Bus Route
Bus schedule and Fare
Bus stop is hard to find
How to read the bus schedule
Package tour with bus sightseeing

Route bus requires reservation

The Taketomi Island route bus is operated by a medium-sized bus (capacity : about 10 people) as shown in the photo above. It also serves as a means of transportation for residents. Therefore, if you board from a bus stop other than Taketomi Port, you need to make a reservation.

  How to get on a route bus 
1. Check the schedule at the bus stop you want to board.
2. Book by phone at least 15 minutes before the departure time.
Taketomijima Kotsu :0980-85-2154
The staff will ask you :
・The name and time of the bus stop you want to get on
・Your name
・The number of people riding it with you

3. Prepare coins ( 300yen)
4. Please tell the driver your destination when you get on.

There is no trunk on the bus. Therefore, wheelchairs or strollers must be folded and brought into the bus. In addition, you can’t get on the bus with your swimsuit or wet clothes on.

Taketomi Island Bus Route

There is only one bus route on Taketomi Island. All bus stops and major tourist attractions are summarized in the map below. Please download and use it.

The Taketomi Island route bus operates in one direction. Therefore, you can’t take a bus from Condoi Beach to Kaiji Beach. In addition, you can’t go around the island by bus.

Taketomi Island Bus Route Map

download Bus Route (PDF : 0.2MB)

Bus schedule and Fare

This schedule and fare are the information we visited Taketomi in June 2023 and confirmed.

We have summarized the bus schedule and facilities around the bus stop. Please download and use it.
However, the bus schedule is adjusted to the time of the ferry arriving at Taketomi Island and will change depending on the ferry operation status.

Taketomijima Bus Schedule

download timetable (PDF : 0.2MB)

The fare is the same no matter how far you get on.
  Adult fare 
  Child fare
(Elementary school students) 


Bus stop is hard to find

Taketomijima BusStop

The photo above is the Taketomi Island bus stop. It’s not a noticeable color, it’s about 1m high, and it’s hard to find where the bus stop is.

A schedule is written at the bus stop. To take the bus, you need to make a reservation by phone at least 15 minutes before the departure time.

The map below is a map of the bus stop on Taketomi Island. The bus stop is an approximate location.

How to read the bus schedule

Various Taketomijima bus stops

The bus stop on Taketomi Island has various designs as shown in the photo above. Furthermore, the name of the bus stop is written only in Japanese.
However, every bus stop has a timetable with the same design. The figure below shows how to read the bus timetable.

How to read Taketomijima BusSchedule

You need to make a reservation in Japanese by phone to get on the bus. If you are sightseeing by bus, it is more convenient to take a tour.

Package tour with bus sightseeing

There is a one-day package tour that includes a round-trip ferry fare between Ishigaki Island and Taketomi Island and bus sightseeing fee. These package tours are recommended for those who want to travel around tourist attractions efficiently by bus.

These tours are offered by the tour company in Ishigaki Port Ferry Terminal. If you would like to take a tour, you can book at the website below, by phone or at the shop counter.

Tour company
Yaeyama Kanko Ferry
Anei Kanko Ferry

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